Residential Diesel Generators


Generators designed specifically for home/office/business use, often as standby units.

5 kW to 50 kW


Description: Residential diesel generators are designed for home use, typically providing backup power during outages. They are generally quieter and more compact than industrial models.


Applications: Used in homes to provide power during electricity outages, particularly in areas prone to power interruptions or severe weather conditions.


Power Output: Usually ranges from 5 kW to 50 kW, sufficient for running essential home appliances and systems.



  • Quiet Operation: Designed to operate quietly to minimize disturbance to homeowners and neighbors. Many residential models are specifically labeled as “silent” or “low-noise” to suit residential areas.
  • Compact Design: Smaller footprint to fit in residential settings.
  • Automatic Transfer Switch: Often comes with an ATS for automatic power restoration.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Designed for easy access and maintenance.